Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Cold Callers Scare Me

So today, I answered the phone to a man, lets call him Bob, calling on behalf of a "Local company" (Of course you are Bob). He wanted to ask me some questions about my house. Now, some of you guys now that I, being a teenager, will not own my own house, there for I do not want to answer questions about my home. He asked me "Is your house a semi-detached, detached or blady blady blah?" But before he started asking questions, he TOLD me rather than asked me that he was going to ask me some questions. I said no.

Funnily enough though, I had answered the phone to the exact same company before. And again I didn't want to answer their questions. So I said that I didn't want to answer their questions and hung up. I did it again.

The annoying thing is, is that I know that these people are just doing a job. Their real people, with real lives. Not some voice behind a phone. They are doing a job, to pay for their lives, and they probably hate being cold called as well. So why do they annoy me so much? They make me feel scared and inferior. No one should make me feel like that. But on the other hand, when I'm rude to them I feel bad...
Called Callers are scary
Pheonix Feather

I saw a mouse...

I saw a mouse in my garden whilst I was revising, and it freaked me out! For like two seconds, then I thought it was kinda cute. I think it was a mouse anyway. It could have been a vole! But anyway, it ran right past my french doors and I was like "What the hell, POOP ITS A MOUSE!".To be honest though, I don't really care. As long as it stays in the garden and doesn't come into the house I'll be fine!
Pheonix Feather

Monday, 28 April 2014

Matt Smith will always be my Doctor

OK, so I am completely obsessed with Doctor Who. And I loved David Tennant, and yes I was sad when he left... but it was OK, cause there was a fit newbie in his place. And after falling completely in love with the bow tie wearing, fez-ed maniacal Doctor style of Matt Smith, I cried actual tears when Matt regenerated... Okay, so maybe I broke down... a bit. But yesterday, I watched Dr Who, A farewell to Matt Smith, and it made me remember just how freaking awesome a Dr he was. And also, part of my birthday present from one of my friends was a t-shirt that says "Matt Smith will always be my Doctor" (We made a deal that if she gets me that for my birthday I'll get her the David Tennant one for hers). That is all!
Pheonix Feather
Oh! And he had the best ever introduction!! 

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Spots glorious spots!

I'm one of those lucky people who doesn't really have many spots, and most of my spots are the same colour as my skin, but if I have a big event like a presentation, or a concert... then a Massive spot will appear overnight. Like yesterday we had our colours presentations at school, and really soon its my birthday. So the other night, one huge bright red volcano appears on my forehead. And I'm like 'what the hell are you doing face?'. Thankfully though, this one could be covered by my fringe. But honestly it kinda irritates me.
Pheonix Feather.

And a quick note to the people reading this, thank you so much, you guys make me so happy when I check statistics and see that people actually
read what I write. If I'm honest I thought that no one would ever find it. Thank you guys!!! <3

Sunday, 20 April 2014

Large alsations

So my aunties husband has two very large,  very scary, white alsations and today they were moulting EVERYWHERE!!! As my lbs pointed out it was like hairy tumbleweeds because we were all outside. It was horrible and they stink as well.  I genuinely cannot stand those stupid dogs.
Pheonix Feather

Saturday, 19 April 2014

Fangirling and UFOs!

Soo, last my night my awesome little big sister took me to Mcbusted, and OMFG it was freaking awesome! The guys were all so good and just so funny! And I screamed a lot. I had lost my voice when our Dad came to pick us all up... But they didn't do and encore which I was really sad about. But since I woke up this morning I have just been like so happy. I could see them as well, I could see over everyone's heads!! It was so good. And I don't want to spoil it if your going so *SPOILER ALERT* They have a freaking UFO!!!!!!! Or they did in Glasgow at least... We were so close to them as well.
Pheonix Feather

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

If your complaining about cool London being dead, why do you have servants?

So yesterday I read an article that my cousin had shared on Facebook entitled "cool London is dead and the rich kids are to blame". I only really clicked on it because I foind it funny that my rich cousin who lives just outside London was sharing it.
Now in this, near the end the author makes the point about how "five years ago most of my staff lived within a mile of proud Camden". Now  what annoys me about this is the fact that he essentially has servents...and hes complaining about how londons no longer 'cool'. This to me doesn't make sense, how can you be complaining about cool if you have SERVANTS!  No one cool has servents! Its not possible! 
If you have servants your a posh bawhead who dreams of being a 'hip young thing' that you didn't manage to achieve as a young adult!
Pheonix Feather
Ps: this is purely my opinion there is no offence intended to anyone! I'm sure that if you read this and have servants then your a lovely person.

Monday, 7 April 2014

Buses and Manners

Hey I'm new to all this... so, cut me some slack please! OK so buses. I actually quite like getting the bus; it gives me a sense of desperately needed freedom. I enjoy standing at the bus stop; waiting for the bus to get me to school or to the town, but what annoys me is the rudeness of some of the other people on the bus. Whether this is on the school bus, the most painful quarter of an hour ever, or a service bus where either there are rude bus drivers, or it's the other passengers that are rude.
Like on the school bus, I had sat down on the only two seater left which happened to be in front of my friends. I had literally just sat down and put my pass into my bag, about to move it into the floor, when this very rude child (he's only a year younger than me) comes and MOVES MY BAG! I was like 'what the hell are you doing?' He didn't even ask to sit there. Now I'm not a horrible person, I did let him sit there, but also, when I got up to get off the bus, he was sitting on his phone, not paying any attention, so I said "excuse me please." about four times before the bus started slowing for my stop and ha hadn't moved. Making me almost miss my stop by the time I'd shoved my way past him.
Although, rude bus drivers seem to piss me off even more than stupid barely adolescents whose jeans are way too tight. It's when a bus driver gives no respect to a paying customer, and you're like, 'why am I wasting manners on you?' For example, one day I was going into town to meet up with my friend and do some shopping. We were supposed to be meeting at twelve to get some lunch before shopping, so I was getting the 12:15 bus. It was late. So I text my friend telling her I'd be late, and once I put my phone away, the bus was almost at the stop. I stepped forward, trying to balance my umbrella and my purse when the doors open and I hear the bus driver shout:
"Hurry up would you! I'm in a rush." I was literally two steps from the bus, but anyway, I got on and paid my fair and sat down. I wasn't too annoyed now but a couple of stops later, I was raging with him. Okay so, it was about four stops after I got on and this poor elderly couple got on. The lady had paid and was sat down, and the old man was just heading for the seat next to her and the drive floored it, almost sending the poor man flying! I couldn't believe it! Yes okay you might be a bit behind schedule, but that doesn't give you the right to attempt to make pensioners fall over!

If you haven't guessed already, I REALLY don't like rude people. Manners cost nothing, and make peoples life so much better. So next time you're on a bus, please thank the driver, don't touch someone's stuff, and if there's only one seat left on the bus... ask the person sitting on the seat next to it if you can sit there. Its only common decency! 

Pheonix Feather