Saturday, 3 May 2014

Made fun of for my nickname

So ages ago when I was in first or second year, oyr computing teacher made us sign up to this website thing called think tank or something like that... anyway.  As always we were ordered to put a nickname instead of our real name. Now my nickname is Scaffy, because ot sounds similar to another nickname I could have. But it also means bin man and is another word for beong quite scruffy.
This prat of a teacher automatically approved every other person when I know for a fact that he didn't know who somw of them were and didn't ask who they were. But when it came to approving mine he looked around to the computers and said "so who's Scaffy?" To which I raised my hand and said "me sir."
The whole class burst out laughing and my teacher had jusr made a complete fool out of me in front of my friends. This is the same teacher that I had that smelled like he could have been a scaffy and after having him for two years, he still didn't bother learning my name. 
I look back and think that he had to have done this on purpose knowing full well that a class full of twelce or thirteen year olds would find this hilarious.
Thankfully the teasing lasted no more than that lesson!
Pheonix Feather