Saturday, 21 June 2014

One kind thing a day.

Guys, I have an idea. People these days have lost the faith that humanity still exists. They no longer beleive in community, and possibly don't even speek to their neighbours anymore. So we need to fix this. We cannot let humans go on without the belief that humanity is just a fairy tale and that the good guys never win, because the good guys ALWAYS win.
My idea includes all of you, so please help. We have to try and do one kind thing a day, which might then inspire someone to do another kind thing, and create a chain reaction (I hope). If you see and old person struggle with shopping, then help them, if there is a homeless person on your route to work, then buy them something to eat and a drink, like one of those three pound meal deals you get in supermarkets, it's only three pounds! (or whatever the equivalent is in your currency). If you know a kid that struggles in a subject you're good at, then help them with that. Because people, humanity still exists.
 Everyone has a beautiful soul, it's just better hidden in some people. We have to restore that little peice of magic that we have as kids that allows us to believe the best in everybody, because if we don't then there will come a time that we don't laugh at even the most spontaneous thing a little kid could say, and they can be pretty random.
If you want to join me in this, please comment or share this so others can join us.
I believe in humanity. And I believe in you.
Pheonix Feather.

PS, Thanks for getting me to 100 pageveiws! It makes me so happy to know people read this! <3

Saturday, 7 June 2014

If you don't like something, change it. If you cant change it, change your attitude.

Everyone has morals, beliefs and other things that we live our lives by. Some people even use their favourite quotes as life advice. I'm a bit like that. I have thousands of favourite quotes but theres one that I think everyone should know about..

This is something I strongly agree with because we only have one life, and there is no do-over button, therfor it makes sense to stay happy (as much as possible). There is no point in doing something that makes us unhappy. For examlpe, say you have to get the school bus, but to you, it is the most painful part about the day, then try and find another way to get to school. Whether this is getting up earlier to walk to school, riding your bike or getting a different bus, maybe it's as simple as getting a parent to drive you. But of course there are things we can't change, like our laugh. Maybe you think your laugh is  horrible, but others think its cute, then start thinking that too.
If you live your life just putting up with the stuff you don't like, then you'll be miserable. It's not good for you. You should try to stay as happy as you can be. I'm not saying you should be happy all the time, thats impossible. Just try to lead your life in a way you enjoy.
Pheonix Feather

Sunday, 1 June 2014

Why being introverted isn't a bad thing

An introvert is someone who enjoys being alone more than being with a crowd. Generally, they prefer to have a quiet night in with a few friends than to spend all night at a loud party. It has nothing to do with being shy. Being shy is more to do with nervousness. They are drained by many social situations even if they have good social skills. This does not make them antisocial, shy, or stuck up. 
There is absolutely nothing wrong with the fact that we cannot stand small talk. It just doesn't happen for us. That's why we sit back and listen rather than take part. It doesn't mean we are depressed. If we go off to our room to be alone, we will be "recharging", and that's fine. 
We might drift off into our own thoughts in the middle of a conversation (I do this all the time at school) and it's okay. Just because we stop talking doesn't mean we have fallen out with you.

The final thing I want to say is that being introverted is part of us. Not every one has to be an extrovert, but we ask that all the extroverts respect that we don't do small talk, that we will disappear into our rooms to be alone, that we might turn down an invitation to a large party to stay home and watch movies with a couple friends (or our cat :P) and this is all fine! We do not need to join in your conversation if you are talk about nothing for hours where we would prefer to talk to someone who shares our interests about something that matters to us. But most of all, please do not try to change us. And if you are an introvert and are reading this, please realise that you are perfectly normal, and if you are called any names because of your introversion, just remember that they don't understand.

Pheonix Feather