Sunday, 24 August 2014

Don't insult something someone loves

If someone loves something, and you insult it... then they will get offended, and if you are going to insult it either A) don't insult it in front of them or B) insult it cleverly, do not call it "gay" because that isn't an insult to it but rather an insult to yourself. Saying you are too juvenile to come up with a more insulting insult. And if you do insult them, and they go crazy at you (which they most likely will, and even if they don't) then apologise. It isn't hard to do. A simple sorry can make people feel better about it, and you will seem like a stronger person even if you feel weaker for it.
Pheonix Feather.

Monday, 18 August 2014

Be organised

Back to school is extremely close now... and for some people it can be an incredibly daunting time. The idea of piles of work after six weeks off is frankly, completely and utterly unappealing! So I thought I'd give you the one bit of advice I wish someone had told me when I started high school. Be organised. And it's really simple to do. Plus when you're organised, it always feels like there is more seconds in the day because you are managing your time and creating a reasonable routine that works for you.
One of the simplest things you can do to make it seem like you have more time (at weekends especially) is do your homework during the week. If you have all your homework finished before the weekend, the if you get an impromptu message from your friends asking if you want to go shopping, you'll be able to say yes because you wont be stuck at home doing the homework you had all week to do! But I'm not suggesting that if you have a project due in a fortnight that you sit and do it all in one night. You can schedule what you have to do, and the amount of time you have to do it in. Then by starting the day you get it and working on it for however long a night, then when it comes to the night before the deadline, you'll be prepared for the next day!
It is increadably easy to organise your life. Whether for work or for school,  being organised makes life a heck of a lot simpler. 
Pheonix Feather.

P.S hey guys, sorry it's a bit late, I had an extremely busy weekend helping my sister move house, so I had to delay the writing of this to today... well tonight.

Monday, 11 August 2014

You are beautiful, and you are worth it.

Everyone is beautiful, no matter there size, shape, colour of their skin, whatever. They are beautiful! If you feel like you aren't think about this, you are alive. And you are loved. Love makes everyone beautiful, for what others think makes you ugly, is what someone thinks makes you ugly. You may have scars, you may have birthmarks you don't like, whatever makes you feel ugly, I assure you, someone loves them. I double promise you. You are worth the life you have, you are worth more than you can understand. I promise you.
Pheonix Feather

Sunday, 3 August 2014

Difference is a good thing.

In this world, men and women are made to feel inferior for the way they look, the way they dress, their sexuality. In some countries, people are beaten for their sexuality and the police do NOTHING about it. From an early age girls are told that they have to be toned and skinny, and boys are made to think they have to be masculine. THIS IS NOT THE CASE!
People on this earth are not accepting enough. It appears to me, like they think that they are better than the people that aren't like them, that people that aren't like them are 'unnatural'. What these people don't know is that it is only 0.1% of our DNA is unique. That 99.9% of our DNA is identical to other humans. 
People should be more accepting. More loving. 
One of the main arguments I hear, especially from some religions is 'God says it isn't natural'. What, and a talking snake is? If God said it isn't natural and God creates everything... why did God create them like that? If the world was full of people that thought the same, and looked the same, and were all heterosexual, then it would be a pretty boring place to live. It is the differences in people that make life good.
Pheonix Feather.