Do you think I don't know this? Do you think I like being constantly petrified of being asked a question? Don't tell me something so blatantly obvious. I don't like feeling like this, but I can't help it! If I knew how to change this, do you think I wouldn't? Don't patronise me, thinking you know what goes on in my head, you don't know the half of it. Everyone is cracked, everyone fears something, everyone gets nervous. It just happenes to me all the time. I don't want to worry that people judge me for getting an answer wrong because my mind has frozen. I don't want my voice to shake when I do a presentation. I don't want to feel like this. But I don't know how to change it. Now please, respect it... and if you must tell me I need mkre confidence, help me figure out how to get it. Don't just remind me.
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Life advice is what I do. Some of it will be utterly nonsensical, but that happens sometimes...
Friday, 26 December 2014
Sunday, 7 December 2014
Sat with my cello, under the boiling stage lights, listening to a rendition of some song that I can't remember now that it's over, I had an epiphany.
For five years, I have felt alone and unloved. Actually, more like ten years, but at varying levels of intensity. Until I was sat with my cello, under the boiling stage lights, listening to a rendition of some song that I can't remember now that it's over. I realised that I am not alone. That I have friends, and while I'm jot one of the "popular" girls, I am popular with my friends. Yes okay, my circle of friends isn't gigantic, but they exist.
And the same goes for you, you may not have a million friends, but you will have some. You may feel unloved, but I promise you're not. You may feel like no one cares, but I do.
Pheonix Feather.
Sunday, 2 November 2014
School is a prison, full of arrogant, stinking, adolescents that think they know everything, when, in fact, they know barely anything. The short amount of time they have spent on this earth is barely enough to start grasping at principles that professors are working on. And whilst our minds are beginning to take on the form of an adults, and we are leaving a lot of our childish ways, a lot of the people in higher years at school are still incredibly infantile. Although it isn't the other pupils that are the worst, it's the teachers. The teachers who, in one breath, are telling us to start acting like an adult and take more responsibility, and in the next are scolding us. Still treating us like we are little primary ones! Or the ones that go through lessons so incredibly fast that no one understands. Their excuse? We have "no time!". No, you're wrong, we have the same amount of stuff to learn as every other subject, and they are not rushing it all!
And whilst I say all this none of it is what annoys me most about school, what annoys me most is that I love learning. I love knowledge. I love getting an education. But I hate school! And whilst I love school, I cannot stand it! Especially when people tell you your classes will be full of mature people as you get further up school, cause they're not. While the disruptive and immature people are less and further between, they are still there.
But knowledge is power, and education is the tool that will allow me to change the world... So I'd better stick it out eh? Only two more years anyway!
Pheonix Feather
Sunday, 26 October 2014
Use your voice.
If you can change one thing about your life by using your voice. Imagine what could happen if everyone used their voices for a good reason. Imagine what humanity could do if we joined together for a common cause. Whatever your opinion is, please vocalise it, but also, listen to others opinions too. Thanks.
Pheonix Feather
Monday, 20 October 2014
Don't apologise because you're passionate about something.
So many times, I have seen people get all excited and start talking really quickly and get all worked up about something they are passionate about and in the next breath... they apolpgise. It breaks my heart, because you can tell that some person that they highly respect has, at some point told them to "shut up" because "nobody cares".
This statement is not true. People do care about the way you get excited. There will be someone out there who finds it absolutely adorable, no matter how annoying a thing it is. Whether it's a tv program, a book series, film series, idea, or whatever, do not apologise... because passion is how we change the world. Passion is the fire in your belly, and the leaves to our tree. It can be the reason you get out of bed, and the reason you don't want to.
We need to be passionate about something. Or else, we are uninteresting. It is the way that you get excited over something that makes you you.
Pheonix Feather.
Tuesday, 14 October 2014
Your grades aren't everything.
You might be awful at school subjects, but have a passion for building robots. Or you might suck at maths but be extremely creative. Everyone has something they're good at. Everyone has stuff they're bad at, but the subjects you're bad at at school shouldn't make you feel bad, or stress you out. If you have to take that subject then ask for help. And know that even if your parents desperately want you to be a doctor, but you want to be an actor or whatever, then don't be a doctor to make your parents happy. Be an actor, because it's your life, and you get to decide what your career will be.
Pheonix Feather.
Saturday, 27 September 2014
Don't feel guilty about something you love.
You can join me in this, if there is something you love doing, but you don't talk about it, then talk to someone about it. You never know, you might find someone who loves the same things as you. If you love writing, put some of your work onto a blog, if you love music, make a music video for your favourite song, or make a cover and post it onto YouTube. If someone gives you stick for loving it, then stuff them!
Pheonix Feather.
Sunday, 24 August 2014
Don't insult something someone loves
Pheonix Feather.
Monday, 18 August 2014
Be organised
Back to school is extremely close now... and for some people it can be an incredibly daunting time. The idea of piles of work after six weeks off is frankly, completely and utterly unappealing! So I thought I'd give you the one bit of advice I wish someone had told me when I started high school. Be organised. And it's really simple to do. Plus when you're organised, it always feels like there is more seconds in the day because you are managing your time and creating a reasonable routine that works for you.
One of the simplest things you can do to make it seem like you have more time (at weekends especially) is do your homework during the week. If you have all your homework finished before the weekend, the if you get an impromptu message from your friends asking if you want to go shopping, you'll be able to say yes because you wont be stuck at home doing the homework you had all week to do! But I'm not suggesting that if you have a project due in a fortnight that you sit and do it all in one night. You can schedule what you have to do, and the amount of time you have to do it in. Then by starting the day you get it and working on it for however long a night, then when it comes to the night before the deadline, you'll be prepared for the next day!
It is increadably easy to organise your life. Whether for work or for school, being organised makes life a heck of a lot simpler.
Pheonix Feather.
P.S hey guys, sorry it's a bit late, I had an extremely busy weekend helping my sister move house, so I had to delay the writing of this to today... well tonight.
Monday, 11 August 2014
You are beautiful, and you are worth it.
Pheonix Feather
Sunday, 3 August 2014
Difference is a good thing.
Sunday, 13 July 2014
Live to your own expectations
Everyone has people in their life that push them to do their best... and thats good! Until your six years old and your parents are telling you to be a doctor. Then your ten years old and everyone expects you to stick at the instrument you hate or whatever it is. There is always pressure to do something well or amazingly... but how can you do something amazingly if it's what they want and not what you want? If you're constantly trying to reach others expectations of you, you'll never make yourself happy. They'll be happy, but you wont.
If you are sitting exams in school or university or whatever and everyone expects you to get an A++ and you think you aren't capable of it, the for crying out loud don't try to get an A++ aim for what you think you can get, and then if you do better then it'll be nice. Whereas if you try to get the A++ to please whoever and don't get it, you'll be disappointed, you'll think you've let them down when in reality, it isn't there life!
Pheonix Feather.
Thursday, 3 July 2014
Don't care what others think of you.
Me and my best friend literlly do a little dance in school, and our friends really don't give a tiny rats ass! They just laugh at us or join in, because they matter to us, they don't mind that we are pretty much clinnically insane when we are together, or that I sit and sing Harry Potter to myself and obsess over Sherlock (Suddenly I'm Mr Sex... I blurted that out in maths one day... oops!) and laugh like a pigeon apparently. They know that it's me. If someone loves you for who you are, then they won't care. You could tell them your most deapest, darkest secret, and they wouldn't care... alright they might be a bit shocked, but they'll get over it! And they'll still love you!
This is the dance me and my friends do... |
Pheonix Feather
There is NEVER a need to bitch about people!
Saturday, 21 June 2014
One kind thing a day.
My idea includes all of you, so please help. We have to try and do one kind thing a day, which might then inspire someone to do another kind thing, and create a chain reaction (I hope). If you see and old person struggle with shopping, then help them, if there is a homeless person on your route to work, then buy them something to eat and a drink, like one of those three pound meal deals you get in supermarkets, it's only three pounds! (or whatever the equivalent is in your currency). If you know a kid that struggles in a subject you're good at, then help them with that. Because people, humanity still exists.
Everyone has a beautiful soul, it's just better hidden in some people. We have to restore that little peice of magic that we have as kids that allows us to believe the best in everybody, because if we don't then there will come a time that we don't laugh at even the most spontaneous thing a little kid could say, and they can be pretty random.
If you want to join me in this, please comment or share this so others can join us.
I believe in humanity. And I believe in you.
Pheonix Feather.
PS, Thanks for getting me to 100 pageveiws! It makes me so happy to know people read this! <3
Saturday, 7 June 2014
If you don't like something, change it. If you cant change it, change your attitude.
If you live your life just putting up with the stuff you don't like, then you'll be miserable. It's not good for you. You should try to stay as happy as you can be. I'm not saying you should be happy all the time, thats impossible. Just try to lead your life in a way you enjoy.
Pheonix Feather
Sunday, 1 June 2014
Why being introverted isn't a bad thing
Saturday, 3 May 2014
Made fun of for my nickname
So ages ago when I was in first or second year, oyr computing teacher made us sign up to this website thing called think tank or something like that... anyway. As always we were ordered to put a nickname instead of our real name. Now my nickname is Scaffy, because ot sounds similar to another nickname I could have. But it also means bin man and is another word for beong quite scruffy.
This prat of a teacher automatically approved every other person when I know for a fact that he didn't know who somw of them were and didn't ask who they were. But when it came to approving mine he looked around to the computers and said "so who's Scaffy?" To which I raised my hand and said "me sir."
The whole class burst out laughing and my teacher had jusr made a complete fool out of me in front of my friends. This is the same teacher that I had that smelled like he could have been a scaffy and after having him for two years, he still didn't bother learning my name.
I look back and think that he had to have done this on purpose knowing full well that a class full of twelce or thirteen year olds would find this hilarious.
Thankfully the teasing lasted no more than that lesson!
Pheonix Feather
Wednesday, 30 April 2014
Cold Callers Scare Me
Funnily enough though, I had answered the phone to the exact same company before. And again I didn't want to answer their questions. So I said that I didn't want to answer their questions and hung up. I did it again.
The annoying thing is, is that I know that these people are just doing a job. Their real people, with real lives. Not some voice behind a phone. They are doing a job, to pay for their lives, and they probably hate being cold called as well. So why do they annoy me so much? They make me feel scared and inferior. No one should make me feel like that. But on the other hand, when I'm rude to them I feel bad...
Called Callers are scary |
I saw a mouse...
Pheonix Feather
Monday, 28 April 2014
Matt Smith will always be my Doctor
Pheonix Feather
Oh! And he had the best ever introduction!!
Wednesday, 23 April 2014
Spots glorious spots!
Pheonix Feather.
And a quick note to the people reading this, thank you so much, you guys make me so happy when I check statistics and see that people actually
read what I write. If I'm honest I thought that no one would ever find it. Thank you guys!!! <3
Sunday, 20 April 2014
Large alsations
So my aunties husband has two very large, very scary, white alsations and today they were moulting EVERYWHERE!!! As my lbs pointed out it was like hairy tumbleweeds because we were all outside. It was horrible and they stink as well. I genuinely cannot stand those stupid dogs.
Pheonix Feather
Saturday, 19 April 2014
Fangirling and UFOs!
Pheonix Feather
Wednesday, 9 April 2014
If your complaining about cool London being dead, why do you have servants?
If you have servants your a posh bawhead who dreams of being a 'hip young thing' that you didn't manage to achieve as a young adult!
Pheonix Feather
Ps: this is purely my opinion there is no offence intended to anyone! I'm sure that if you read this and have servants then your a lovely person.