Sunday, 13 July 2014

Live to your own expectations

Everyone has people in their life that push them to do their best... and thats good! Until your six years old and your parents are telling you to be a doctor. Then your ten years old and everyone expects you to stick at the instrument you hate or whatever it is.  There is always pressure to do something well or amazingly... but how can you do something amazingly if it's what they want and not what you want?  If you're constantly trying to reach others expectations of you, you'll never make yourself happy. They'll be happy, but you wont.
If you are sitting exams in school or university or whatever and everyone expects you to get an A++ and you think you aren't capable of it, the for crying out loud don't try to get an A++ aim for what you think you can get, and then if you do better then it'll be nice. Whereas if you try to get  the A++ to please whoever and don't get it, you'll be disappointed, you'll think you've let them down when in reality, it isn't there life!
Pheonix Feather.

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